The primary goal of CTL is provide first-class service to our local and international customers. Our customers rely on us to deliver the requested quality commodities. Our main goal is to exceed their expectations.


Over the past decades in international trading industry, CTL has built up an established network of suppliers and buyers in animal by-products. Through our afflicted companies in Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines, we are present across the region and have a strong position to provide our services in each country.


We observe developments and changes in the market that could have an impact on future prices and trends. This ensures that we are always prepared for any fluctuations and challenges.


CTL has established a presence in the supply of pet food, compound feed, fertilizer and aqua feed, serving various industries across the world. We offer an dedicated team with an average of 20 years of experience in the market.


We understand the importance of the role of each document and its requirements in international trade.


To ensure and maintain the goal and focus of CTL, we can guarantee that all goods are lab tested and checked. This enables us to deliver a consistent quality.


CTL: Commodity Trading & Logistics

CTL is a company incorporated in Singapore involved in the trade of animal by-products, with affiliated companies in Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines. Within 5 years of being established, CTL has built a presence in the supply of petfood, compound feed, fertilizer and aqua feed, serving various industries across the world. With a well-established network both within and outside of Asia, we currently obtain our supply from EU traders and exporters, but also directly from rendering plants.

Contact Info

  •   +65 6479 3171
  •   35 Jalan Tepong, Singapore 619345